Huwebes, Agosto 4, 2016

Food for thought

                        Words satisfy the soul as food satisfies the stomach; the right words on a person's lips bring satisfaction. Proverbs 18:20. One of my favorite verse in bible so as i love it's meaning. Adobo is one of our country's finest delicacy which make us all Filipino's proud of.Also it never fail to satisfy our stomach by its unique taste.Just like Adobo education in our country is important too. It is one thing we should never forget and take a side. Just like Adobo having its uniqueness the quality of education in our country has uniqueness too. Although we are being left behind by other country's in terms of good and quality education we cope up and make sure we our still developing this very important thing in our life. Just like today we already change our education to k-12. Like Adobo it has its own way to be not left behind by other dishes Although we have many dishes that is good and really delicious too Adobo will always be there in our menu.
                    You can cook Adobo using chicken or pork or if you want you can mix both. Adobo can blend to other's too you can put pineapple on it, potato,or anything you like. You can experiment. But still Adobo didn't lose it 's quality and good taste. Just like Adobo as a future teacher we need to blend with other students too we may encounter different kind of students which may test our personality and patience but still we do not need to lose our posture as a teacher we still need to be emotionally mature show respect so other can show respect to you too. And at the end of the day who knows they may like you too.
Moreover Adobo can also be spicy and it make us Filipino's crave for it. Especially those Bicolano's like me. Having this unique taste make's Adobo more delicious. So as becoming a good teacher sometimes you need to be strict to be rude to be spicy in a good way to improve your students. Having different techniques and strategies make's learning faster more easier and you'll know in the end your student will learn.

Adobo has different ingredients so as a teacher. Teacher must have this good qualities before we become a real and effective teacher. So as Adobo this ingredients make us complete. Make us unique. And it complete us. Teacher must have enthusiasm,creativeness,resilience,passion,patience and be committed on what we are doing. Choosing this course is like choosing Adobo. We know Adobo last a long time. So as becoming a good teacher we will last in our student mind and make a part of their life we will hone them for the future not only their future but the future of our country. 

Adobo make a Terrific taste in our tongue that make it unique. When we ate Adobo it give's us Energy. We will be Able to cook Adobo if we know the different procedures on how to cook it.When we feel blue just eat Adobo it will make you Cheerful. You need to Work Hard to perfect this dish. And one must be Enthusiastic enough to make an experiment on it but never lose it's unique taste. Adobo is truly one of our country's Remarkable delicacy. If you want to be a TEACHER be like Adobo. you need be Terrific, Energetic, Able, Cheerful, Hardworking, Enthusiastic and Remarkable. 

Martes, Agosto 2, 2016

My Pretty Lazy Fatty Best friend Clarinel

                                   It is the month of June. All kids are preparing and very excited to go to school except one. Clarinel is busy eating her favorite junk food while she is playing her x-box or sometimes when she is busy watching t.v while using her laptop. What a lazy girl her mom said. She don't want to do anything at all not even taking a bath or brushing her teeth. Zara her mom was very bothered because she know what may happen to her daughter if she will not stop doing this things. Zara is thinking of a way to discontinue this bum attitude of her daughter.

                                Good morning teacher the children shouted in chorus in a room at the St. Joseph Integrated School. Everyone is very busy and happy to start the coming school year. Stiffany is walking around the school looking for someone it is her best friend Clarinel.
" I think Clarinel didn't go to school on the first day of class''. Stiffany said feeling worried what may happen to her best friend. Is she sock? Doesn't she enrolled this school year? Things start to run on her mind. She decided to visit Clarinel after school to stop bothering herself. She get back to her room.
                          Afterwards the first day of school end. Stiffany is very excited to see her best friend. She even take a cab to get fast to Clarinel's house.
                        While Stiffany is on her way to clarinel's house. Zara is busy preparing a nutritious lunch for her daughter. She go to her room and check what is she doing .
" Oh! She is still sleeping". Zara is shocked.
It is already eleven in the morning but her daughter is still lying on her bed. She even didn't wake her up this morning because she feels that Clarinel will not wake up even though she wake her up. Zara start to cry cause she don't know what to do anymore. Stiffany saw her crying .

"Aunt Zara Why are you crying? she asked.
"Ow Stiffany look. Look at your best friend she is still sleeping in this time. She didn't even go to school this morning". she replied.
" She always eat junk foods. Didn't go out on her room. Busy playing video games or watching t.v or movies. She doesn't do anything". she added.
"Look at her".
Stiffany look at her best friend. She looks like she gain weight this summer.
" I don't know what to do anymore". Zara replied .
"Don't worry i'll think of a way to make her change her attitude". Stiffany smiled at her.
"Thank you". Zara replied.

Stiffany go home and think of  a way to change her best friend's attitude. She knows what may happen if Clarinel will continue doing this. She cant go to school anymore. She will not learn. She will be bullied by other's. And the worst thing she will lose her best friend in school. So Stiffany is very determined to help her out.
                           Finally she thinks of a better idea. She went to Zara and talk to her.Zara smiled and think it is a better idea.So the next day they start planning things and start there plan.
                          Another day has come and still Stiffany didn't see a sign of Clarinel going to school today. After school she decided to visit her again. In Clarinel's house she is checking her Facebook while her mom is watching a documentary about students who go to school even they are poor.
"Ding-Dong". The doorbell rang.
"Good morning Aunt Zara". Stiffany greeted her.
"Stiffany come get inside". Zara addresses her.
"Is Clarinel awake''? Stiffany asked.
"Yes she is at her room".
                       Stiffany go to her room and greeted her.Hello there young lady. Clarinel was so happy seeing her it's been a month when they last see each other. How are you doing? Clarinel asked. I'm good. What about you? Stiffany replied. Oh me! i didn't do anything this summer i didn't even go out on my room. Clarinel said. Why? Its seem's you gain weight and look at you. You smell nasty too. Your mom said sometimes you even didn't take a bath or brush your teeth. What's happening to you? And you just eat junk foods and watch and play You do not even bother going to school this year? Stiffany ask her look. Look at your self.

                    Clarinel stand up and look at her self in the mirror. Her eyes was deep because of sleeping late at night. Her eye bags are making it looks uglier. Her teeth is gold already and smell's like trash. Some of her teeth has cavity already. She is so fat and her hair was so dry that it looks like a rag. Clarinel cried realizing what she had done this summer and she looks very awful to herself.
                 Do you know Justin? Stiffany asked. He is Clarinel's long time crush on their school since elementary. Of course what about him? Clarinel asked. What may happen if Justin saw you like that do you think he will like you? Even the other student in the school they may bully you. You will be the topic of every student who will see you. Do you want that to happen? She added.

               "Oh Stiffany please. Please help me i want to change Clarinel start to cry. Her mom Zara get inside the room and start searching something in the internet. Look Clarinel she said. She ask her to watch the video she search. It is about the documentary she is watching a while ago about student's in rural area's where they don't even have the money to eat before going to school and yet they still do. They don't have the best school but still they go to it. They even walk for an hour and a half going up and down a mountain or even cross a river just to go to school and learn. Because they know that education is there only key to success and there only way to get out from poverty. They have dreams. Dreams that they can achieve someday.
            Clarinel hug her mom. She is so pity and shy on her self. She realize how lucky she was. She have all the thing she wanted. She just need to go to school and study that's all but this student they work at a younger age just to go to school. She even don't have time to care for her self anymore just herself. She realize that education is very important so as taking of your self too. Its not a way of just cleaning your self but a way to show respect on you and the people around you. Clarinel once again hug her mother and best friend and apologize to them and she promise that she will change her attitude and go to school tomorrow.
           The next day Clarinel woke up early. She even prepare her mom a breakfast and go to her best friends house so they can go to school together. Things start rough for Clarinel there are some student's who really bullies her. But eventually she face it. She change and she prove them that she can do it. Of course with the help of her Best Friend Stiffany. :)