Miyerkules, Hulyo 20, 2016

Liquid Metaphors

Blood, sweat, and tears, fluids which are significant to our lives. Just like them, people do exhibit their significance in a metaphorical way.

“El Pacto De Sangre”, one of my favorite paintings of Juan Luna shows a scenario where in a Spanish conquistador and a Rajah seal their friendship by pouring their blood into a goblet and then drink them. This act shows the perpetual bondage of brotherhood of two different nations.

Just like the old saying, “History repeats itself”. Like Dr. Jose Rizal, I have a friend who uses his blood in writing poems and I don’t mean it literally but metaphorically. He’s one of those few people who write with courage and candidness towards sensitive issues that people are afraid to talk about because they don’t want to be fought by the society. With him having these traits, he taught me not to be afraid to say everything that I want as long as it is right and to fight for it. - Limwell Sesuca

SWEAT – Conveying hard work

No men in the field of sports succeed without shedding buckets of sweat. Every trophy and every medal is the result of their domineering drive to hone their skills they have to surpass every challenge and to win every battle.I am a former MVP of our college who showed that the path to becoming the best is a very long and hard journey. No one can be a champion overnight. I learned that greatness is achieved step by step by means of working hard with all your guts.

TEARS – the toil of candidness

We hurt, we cry. We laugh, we cry. We feel touched, we cry. We hurt somebody, we cry. For some people, hearing this things make them think that “What a crap, that’s too shallow to cry about.” having said that, that’s not true. Tears are proof of one’s ability to appreciate things in their life that no matter it’s a happy or a sad moment.
         A friend of mine never hesitates to shed tears whenever he is broken or laughing. At some point he cried to me because he’s heartbroken. Even though he’s a guy, I don’t think that crying makes him any less of a man because I can see how genuine he is. He treasures things and relationships because he’s tears let me feel the pain that he’s feeling and for that I really admire him. - Jay Collin Aguilar

All these three significant fluids signify two significant men in my life and myself. They are my best friends that taught me so much in life.I met them in when i take education. I must say that I wouldn’t be this strong without them so I’m dedicating this article to my male best friends: Limwell Sesuca,and Jay Collin Aguilar. You’re the best! I believe that you have the same group of people in your lives. Thank you for reading and have a nice day! :)

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